Concealed Carry VA

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Concealed Carry VAWhy settle for an online class or a licensing class that will merely allow you to obtain a concealed carry permit? By taking our Concealed Carry VA class, you will receive hands-on training from our world-class instructors. This class is taught by experienced NRA Certified Instructors, DCJS Instructors, USMC Veterans, and NRA Certified Training Counselors. Only four hours in length, we guarantee you will leave confident that you can safely operate and handle a pistol or revolver. This course is designed to be the first step to providing a solid foundation in becoming a successful defensive shooter.

We currently offer three different CCW courses: Virginia, Florida, and Multi-State (Virginia and Florida). This class will cover VA only.

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Whether you wish to obtain a Concealed Handgun Permit, want to develop your skills and build confidence, or have questions about our security services,
we can help.